James H. McNulty Professorship in English

The Department of English at the University at Buffalo seeks a distinguished poet-scholar committed to the research and practice of innovative modernist and contemporary poetry to assume the James H. McNulty Professorship of English, to start fall 2024. The McNulty Professorship serves as a senior faculty anchor of the Poetics Program in the Department of English: candidates have an opportunity to shape the vision and goals of the program and should be prepared to serve in a leadership role.

Candidates must already hold the rank of Professor and/or have an extensive and recognized record of publication. Candidates should bring inventive perspectives to the study of poetry and poetics as appropriate to teaching undergraduate courses (potentially including creative writing) and MA/PhD seminars. Subfields of special interest might include: Western and non-Western avant-garde movements; innovative American poetry and poetics, 1900-1975; poetry and poetics of new media in the contemporary (e.g., post-Internet) media ecology; historical and contemporary innovative Chicanx and Latinx poetry and poetics; historical and new experimental Indigenous poetry and poetics of the Americas; 20th- and 21st-century poetry and poetics in conversation with STEM fields, the new energy humanities, and the Anthropocene.

The Poetry Collection at University at Buffalo is the archive of record of Anglophone poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries and has extensive manuscript holdings: we welcome candidates working in critical archival studies and making their scholarship and creative work with archival materials.

Minimum Qualifications: Record of publication and creative work appropriate to rank of Professor.

Preferred Qualifications: Teaching and mentoring at the undergraduate and graduate level in a university setting.

The position is open until filled. Preference will be given to candidates who apply by December 11, 2023.

All application materials should be submitted via UB Jobs. Application materials submitted directly to the posting contact will not be acknowledged and cannot be considered.

Similar searches: Full-time, 4-year college or university, Creative writing, English, Professor, Full, Humanities, New York