Queen’s National Scholar Position in Indigenous Literary Arts

The position is a full-time tenure-track/tenured position at Assistant Professor or early Associate Professor rank, for Indigenous writers working in any medium of cultural production, as well as those engaged in Indigenous literary scholarship. Those who work in both artistic production and critical scholarship are particularly encouraged to apply.

Indigenous literary artists and scholars with strong records of publication who work in any medium or genre, including but not limited to orature, theory, poetry, prose, theatre, performance, screenwriting, creative non-fiction, graphic literature, digital media, gaming, and academic and/or community-engaged scholarship. We expect applicants’ creative and/or scholarly work to address some of the following fields: Indigenous resurgence; Indigenous futurisms; creative writing pedagogy; decolonization; Indigenous feminisms, masculinity studies, and/or queer and Two-Spirit theory; critical race studies and antiracism; solidarity work; and intersectional politics. Those artists and scholars working in Indigenous languages are especially encouraged to apply, as are those whose work engages with anti-colonial solidarities. Candidates for this position must demonstrate records of creative and/or critical excellence, as registered by scholarly publications and/or a creative portfolio, combined with evidence of potential for excellence in teaching. As we recognize that creative artists often take non-academic pathways to achieving renown, completed doctoral or MFA degrees are desired assets for the position but not mandatory. Applicants are welcome to share qualifications beyond academic credentials, including community and/or traditional knowledge and relevant lived experience.

The preferred starting date of July 1, 2024

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