Preceptor in Expository Writing

The Harvard College Writing Program at Harvard University has several openings for preceptorship positions for the 2023-24 academic year beginning on July 1, 2024, to teach Expository Writing:

A description of the teaching responsibilities associated with each course can be found in the official posting. Applicants will be asked to indicate which course(s) they are applying to teach and should submit the supplemental materials, accordingly.

Preceptors may teach one or two sections per semester. Preceptors are eligible for multi-year contracts. Salary and benefits are competitive. Preference will be given to candidates with Ph.D.s or other terminal degrees in fields that are taught at Harvard College, including fields in the sciences and social sciences, or to candidates with MFAs; who have experience teaching fundamental analytical reading and writing skills and sentence skills at the first-year college level; who demonstrate a lively interest in issues of writing pedagogy and an innovative approach to the teaching of communication skills; and who enjoy collaborating with colleagues on assignment design and program development.

The application deadline is January 5, 2024, 5 p.m. ET.

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