Middle English and Medievalism

Description:  The Department of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Middle English Literature and Medievalism. The standard teaching load for tenure-track faculty is 2/2. Candidates should be able to teach courses in Middle English literature and its medievalism at both undergraduate and graduate levels; mentor and advise students; serve on departmental, college, and/or university committees; direct dissertations and theses; and conduct research in relevant areas of the field.  Applicants should submit a cover letter and CV for initial consideration.

Qualifications: PhD in English in hand by August 2025; record of professional activities, publications, and teaching experience.

Target date for the hire: August 1, 2025.

Deadline to post - December 1, 2024.


Similar searches: Full-time, 4-year college or university, English, Professor, Assistant, Language teaching, Louisiana