Full Professorship in English Literature and Culture

- Location details
- Salzburg, Austria
- Ref
- GZ B 0012/1-2024
- Posted
- Closes
- Position type
- Professor, Full
- Organization type
- 4-year college or university
- Languages
- English
- Field
- Humanities, Literature, British
- Employment category
- Full-time
- Tenure Status
- Tenure or tenure track
- Location
- Other international
The Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) is a thriving and inspiring university in Austria, representing outstanding achievements in research and teaching in the areas of (digital) humanities, life sciences, sustainability of (social) processes and the link between art & science. With its four guiding principles, Art in Context, Development & Sustainability, Digital Life and Health & Mind, the PLUS offers scientists an excellent opportunity for interconnection on an inter- and transdisciplinary level.
The University of Salzburg invites applications for a tenured full professorship in English Literature and Culture.
The position will become available in the Department of English and American Studies (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) as of 1 October 2025.
The prospective professor will be required to represent English Literature and Culture in research and teaching in its full scope. In addition, applicants are expected to have a main focus in one of the following fields: popular culture, media, or gender. Their teaching of English Literature and Culture (in B.A., M.A., teacher-training, and PhD programmes) is to take into account the historical and theoretical diversity of the subject and its plurality of approaches.
Successful applicants are expected to offer fresh research perspectives and to engage in cooperation with other sections of the Department of English and American Studies and with subjects represented in other university departments. Applicants are expected to establish connections between the research profiles of Department and the faculty at large, in particular with regard to approaches based on theories of culture, media, and performativity as well as current transcultural and digital humanities topics. The University of Salzburg (PLUS) welcomes active engagement in Science and Arts, an inter-university research focus area, as well as contributions to relevant doctoral colleges (‘Doctorate School PLUS’).
General Job Requirements:
- an earned doctorate/PhD degree or foreign equivalent in the respective discipline(s)
- an earned ‘Habilitation’/‘venia docendi’ or equivalent academic qualifications in the respective discipline(s)
- an excellent research track record marked by innovative approaches and a special academic aptitude proven by relevant publications and close integration in the international scientific community
- excellent didactic and pedagogical experience and competence
- strong professional and social leadership skills
- excellent spoken and written English, solid spoken and written German Additional Requirements:
- experience in international research and cooperation
- experience in modern academic research management, in the acquisition of external project-funding, and in developing and implementing interdisciplinary research projects
- collaborative and team-building skills, good interpersonal skills
- willingness to contribute to and develop existing research and teaching cooperation opportunities at PLUS
- willingness to mentor early-career researchers
- ability and willingness to take on administrative tasks at the departmental, faculty and university level
The university hires professors full-time on tenured contracts according to the Austrian Universities Act (https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente/Erv/ERV_2002_1_120/ERV_2002_1_120.pdf), the Austrian Salaried Employees Act (Angestelltengesetz) and Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Employees (A1 salary schedule). The basis of salary negotiations is the required legal minimum of € 6.362,50 before taxes (in 14 monthly payments).
The University of Salzburg (PLUS) seeks to increase the proportion of its female staff and therefore encourages female candidates to apply. Women will be given preference over equally qualified men. People with disabilities or chronic illnesses who fulfil the job requirements are also expressly invited to apply.
We regret that expenses for travel and accommodation incurred in the job application cannot be refunded.
In order to be valid, applications are to contain the following enclosures: cover letter, CV, lists of publications, courses taught, relevant research projects and other noteworthy activities, teaching evaluations, pedagogical documentation, and publications (PhD, Habil. thesis or equivalent piece of writing, and three topic-relevant papers congruent with the advertised position). Applications should be addressed to the President of the University (“Rektor”) and must be mailed to bewerbungen@plus.ac.at, stating the code number of the job advert. All documents must be received as a single PDF by the due date of 02 October 2024. Queries are to be directed to application management services at berufungsmanagement@plus.ac.at .
Please contact Prof. Ralph Poole ralph.poole@plus.ac.at in case of further questions.
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