Assistant Professor - Developmental Writing

The English, Literature and World Languages Department at Ferris State University seeks applicants for an Assistant Professor of Developmental English to teach face-to-face and online courses in developmental writing as well as additional writing, literature, and/or language courses appropriate to qualifications.

Required Education: Ph.D. in English, rhetoric and composition, literature, or a related field required by August 1, 2025. Required Work Experience: Demonstrated effectiveness in teaching college-level writing. Preference given to candidates with additional expertise in linguistics/literacy studies, rhetorical genre studies, diverse literatures, or Spanish language.

Courses are to be taught in person on one of Ferris State University's campuses. The candidate(s) selected for the position must reside in Michigan after acceptance of employment. The start date of this position is August 2025.

Similar searches: Full-time, Composition and rhetoric, 4-year college or university, English, Professor, Assistant, Language teaching, Linguistics, Spanish, Literature, multicultural, Michigan