Visiting Assistant Professor of English

The Literature, Language, and Culture Department at Simpson College invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor of English specializing in an era of British literature before 1900. This is a temporary replacement position for an administrative leave and may be extended. 

Teaching responsibilities include 24 credit hours—typically 6 courses across fall and spring terms and a compressed term in May.  Teaching responsibilities will begin August 2025.  

 Simpson is a private, nationally recognized regional college grounded in the liberal arts tradition and located in the Des Moines metropolitan area.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. or be ABD with a scheduled defense by June 2025. While successful applicants will have the opportunity to teach courses in their area, candidates should be able and willing to teach as generalists in the field of literature studies. Candidates should have experience teaching survey and topics courses in British literature for majors and non-majors. Experience with writing-intensive courses is preferred. Expertise and teaching experience in any of the following fields is also desirable: creative writing, ecocriticism, queer studies/gender studies, transnational literatures, Shakespeare, poetry, and/or literatures outside the US/UK.

Similar searches: Full-time, 4-year college or university, English, Professor, Assistant, Literature, British, Iowa